Fee Optimization Service

Every day in the dental office, you face objections to fees and money issues from your patients.
They don’t know what goes into the price they pay for the services they receive. It is up to you and your team to convey value and outstanding service.
Do you constantly wonder if your fees are too high or too low? When was the last time you had a professional review of your fee schedule? Let us take the burden off your shoulders.
How do you know what to charge your patients for services? Setting fees for services can be emotionally charged, as you wonder if your patients will say, “You charge too much.”
You can ask dentists in the same area with the same zip codes. Some may be polite enough to offer a few of their fees, but most will tell you it is proprietary information and refuse to help you.
You can do it the old-fashioned way by calculating the costs of supplies, time, and staffing needs, plus factoring in lab costs and other materials. This method is time-consuming and not necessarily accurate.

The other option is to let Remote Sourcing produce a clear and accurate comparison fee analysis. The fee analysis is based on data gathered from insurance companies and breaks down each service based on a percentile range. Their report will give you a fee analysis of what practices in your area charge, ensuring you have the most reliable information to set your fees. 

Remote Sourcing will then take it a step further and calculate where your fees line up, setting a target of the 80th percentile. The 80th percentile is chosen as it represents a balance between competitiveness and fairness. A fee analysis helps you boost your revenue without seeing more patients because it aligns your fees correctly to the procedures. It also identifies underutilized and outdated codes where you are experiencing hidden losses.

Once you have set your fees, show confidence in them and take ownership of the value you give to your patients. Remote Sourcing professionally analyzes your fees to ensure you are fair to your patients. When you fully understand the value of your services, you will never apologize for the cost. 

We offer a sample of the fee analyses for your review. Please don’t hesitate to have your fee schedule analyzed today, and let the mystery of what you should charge your patients end.